5. Administration


Many different people have contributed to BBFC since well before it commenced in 1982. The club has been indeed fortunate to have many talented and committed people steer its course.

It is always difficult when singling out individuals as it is impossible to properly compare people’s input, but the people who stand out in terms of length of service on the committee are Kevin Boyle (many years as either President or Vice President), Bob Pulver (6 years as Treasurer running concurrently with 3 as Registrar) and Brian Peddie (2 years as Secretary followed by 10 years as Treasurer). Brian was rewarded in 2005 by being awarded the association’s merit award for long term service to his club. Glenn Elms was President for 6 of the 10 years to 2010 and was a major contributor to the club’s development in many different aspects.

The full honour role of Committee Members is shown elsewhere in this history.


The Sutherland Shire Junior Soccer Football Association runs all soccer competitions in Sutherland Shire. The Management Committee is appointed by the club’s and is charged with overseeing everything that occurs on and off the field to make each and every weekend run smoothly. BBFC is proud that some of its members have made significant contributions at association level. In particular we recognise the following:

Gary Lawler Association Management Committee,  Association Delegate to Referees Association, Life Member of SSFA

Craig McCallum Association Management Committee, Association Delegate to Referees Association, Association President

Matt Brady Association Management Committee, Association President

Kevin Boyle Referees Association Vice President

Craig McCallum was elected to Sutherland Shire Council in 2009 where he continued to take a keen interest in sporting associations being treated equitably and in sports fields being improved for the benefit of all users.


The Sutherland Shire Soccer Referees Association enlists, trains and assigns referees. It is also an integral part of ensuring the smooth operation of soccer in the shire.

BBFC has contributed a large proportion of players into the Shire’s refereeing ranks. Generally the club has contributed sufficient referees to cover the equivalent number of matches it participates in each week. If this benchmark were met by all clubs all games would be covered by referees each week.

We also have established a competent band of relief referees who are able to assist when referees are not allocated to our home matches. People such as Kevin Boyle, John Watson, Matt Brady and Ian Petrovski have played a major role in encouraging players to become referees.

Sutherland Shire Council

Sutherland Shire Council provided great support as Lakewood was established initially and is now providing great support again as the reserve receives its 30 year facelift.

Over the years the club’s relatively small size meant it was off the radar but the growth since 2006 has seen the council take a greater interest in the assisting the club to deliver good results for its members.

The club has worked successfully with council on numerous projects which have benefited our members and the community:

• Initial Clubhouse Construction
• Upgrade Lakewood car parks
• Upgrade Lakewood playgrounds
• Contribute to upgrade of lighting at Lakewood to enable night matches
• Contribute to installation of training lights at Prince Edward Park
• Refurbish Lakewood playing field

NSW Government

The New South Wales Government has also been an important partner in providing support for:

• Clubhouse Construction;
• Installation of terrace area and bbq and expansion of storage facilities;
• Upgrade of lighting at Lakewood;
• Installation of training lights at Prince Edward Park

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