Many people have played a major role in getting the club to the great position it now occupies.
But, as with any organisation, the future starts now and it is important that the future custodians continue to develop the club as one which provides opportunity for all members to reach their full potential. Equally it is vital that each club member understands that if we put the club first the results will be better for all.
Significant development of facilities at both Lakewood and Prince Edward Park is on the agenda for 2012 and beyond. With members support these dreams will become a reality just as so many others have in the past.
To remain successful a club must remain relevant and continue to innovate. BBFC has grown to be a leader in its community and within the Sutherland Shire sporting community. It should continue to see itself in this light.
“The Bay” is a remarkable story of how a new community banded together to get something happening and how future generations picked up the reins to take it forward. The culture at BBFC is fantastic but as the club grows it becomes more difficult to preserve. Again members need to be protective of the culture that has led to success.
Long may the “Lime Army” prosper.